Pyrrole Disorder

Do you have Pyrrole Disorder?
Pyrrole disorder is a nutritional disorder that can lead to many health problems including serious illness, disease and even mental illness if left unchecked and untreated. The term pyrrole refers to an abnormal production of a chemical made in the body called pyrroles and it’s these excessive pyrroles that deliberately bind to certain nutrients making them unavailable for use in the body.
Pyrrole disorder is also know as or referred to as any of the following terms:
Mauve Factor
Pyrroles bind to vitamins such as vitamin B6 and minerals such as zinc before they get their chance to nourish your body, which is needed to keep you healthy, that why you should get tested for pyrrole disorder if you experience any of the following symptoms.
Symptoms of Pyrrole Disorder
It’s not uncommon these days for people to have deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. Often it’s enough to increase foods that are higher in zinc and B6 or even take nutritional supplements that support B6 and zinc deficiencies. However this is not sufficient for patients with pyrrole disorder. Pyrrole disorder requires much higher doses of zinc and vitamin B6 and testing can help determine exactly how much extra B6 and zinc patients really need. The most common symptoms of pyrrole disorder include:
Abdominal pain
Bad breath
Behavioral problems
Cold hands and feet
Confusion or inability to think clearly
Family history of mental illness
Frequent colds, fevers, chills
Frequent ear infections
Frequent infections
Greasy skin
Impotence (male)
Lack of energy
Lowered brain levels of antioxidants such as glutathione
Mental health problems
Mood swings
Muscle tremors or cramps
Nervous exhaustion
Oxidative stress
Pale skin
Irregular periods (female)
Lack of dream recall
Poor hair growth or loss of hair color
Poor learning ability
Poor memory
Poor sense of taste and smell
Poor tolerance for alcohol or drugs
Strange body odor
Stretch marks
Tingling hands
Wake up with nausea
Water retention
Weak immune system
White marks on fingernails
Could you have pyrrole disorder?
Pyrrole disorder is a serious imbalance with 10% of the general population affected with the condition. While that doesn’t seem like a lot, approximately 24% of children with behavioral problems, ADD, ADHD have the disorder. 42% of those with some sort of mental health problem have pyrrole disorder and over 52% of those diagnosed with schizophrenia have pyrrole disorder.
There is also a strong genetic component, and those with a family history of mental illness, alcoholism, or any of the signs and symptoms of the MTHFR gene defect have a higher incidence of pyrrole disorder. If you belong to any of these groups and or you have any of the above symptoms of pyrrole disorder it’s well worth getting tested for the condition so that the right treatment can prevent any further decline in your health.
Testing for pyrrole disorder
Testing for pyrroluria is done with a simple home urine test which can identify elevated pyrrole levels in the urine. We also look at mineral levels and other markers in the blood to identify other imbalances. After reviewing the results, one of our doctors can get you started on a comprehensive personalized treatment protocol. Most patients notice improvement in mood and energy within a few weeks of beginning treatment.